How to visit Suomenlinna, Finland (2023 Guide)
The fortress of Suomenlinna is a beautiful inhabited sea fortress of 8 islands. Around 800 people live on the islands. It was originally built by Sweden in the 18th century when Finland was part of the Swedish kingdom. Suomenlinna used to serve as a military base against the Russian Empire. After Finland gained independence in 1917, its military role started to slowly decline and it was converted for civilian purposes.
Nowadays, many tourists decide to visit this beautiful island to admire its beautiful nature and to explore its historical museums, buildings, and fortresses. Additionally, the islands offer various nice cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops.
However, how can one travel to these islands?
How to travel to Suomenlinna by ferry
Taking a ferry to Suomenlinna from mainland Helsinki is the only way to reach Suomenlinna.
First, you have to head to South Harbor, which is located in front of the Old Market Hall (Vanha Kauppahalli) or Kauppatori. It is located within walking distance from Kamppi and the city center.
The address is the following:
Eteläranta, 00170 Helsinki

How much does the ferry cost?
It costs 3,60 euros for an adult and 1,80 euros for a child one way. I paid for the ticket onboard, though sometimes it was only possible to purchase it from the HSL (Helsinki public transportation) app.